So after first receiving delivery of The Psychedelic Eye back into our possession at the offices of our solicitors Brabners in Liverpool on the 6th July 2012, the ‘eye’ was then transported down to a secret location in Oxfordshire on the 13th July 2012 to undergo full restoration, and where the television camera’s [again] were waiting to do a feature inclusion!
On an earlier page I did say that The Psychedelic Eye was in ‘good’ condition, albeit minus its original purpose built frame, when I first viewed it after some 26 years, and it was. However what I did not mention was that it had been previously cut into sections so when I greeted and welcomed The Psychedelic Eye back, first in Liverpool then in Oxfordshire it was by way of it being in 8 boxes each containing sections. Fortunately it had been sectioned off very carefully without damage or distortion.
The story of The Psychedelic Eye begins with John Lennon buying the house Kenwood in Weybridge Surrey England in July 1964 for which he reportedly paid £20,000. Kenwood can be seen below and is famous in its own right, a beautiful house where John in the attic bedroom [seen very top right in photo] had his Blue Room.
The Blue Room at Kenwood was where John would often write and record music on his two tape machines. Later in other locations John was briefly to have his White Room. Kenwood is situated on the top of a hill and is a house where John often gained much early inspiration for his writing. ‘Fool on the Hill’ perhaps!!
Kenwood is famous in its own right and as there are many interesting sites that can found on the Internet if you enter Kenwood into your search engine, I have not gone into a lot of detail ON THIS SITE about the house itself.
John therefore lived at Kenwood circa 1964 through to 1969, the ‘hey-days’ period of The Beatles, sadly around the time of John leaving Kenwood in 1969 having just met Yoko Ono, The Beatles as a live and recording unit ceased as such.
John certainly enjoyed most of his time at Kenwood and photographs on the Internet reflect this, with for example photos you can of him with son Julian and who, with John and mum Cynthia Lennon, spent his early years there. On page one of this web site there is an Internet published photo of John with Julian overlooking The Psychedelic Eye. Many other great photos can be located in the public domain.
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